Monday, August 22, 2011

Gold Medal Mom

Today, on the 4th day of the new school year, I earned my gold medal.  Hold your applause.  Well, maybe you don’t have to hold it all.

It was a “write this down” morning at my house.  Something happened that (a) never happens (b) is hard to believe and (c) probably will never happen again.  We managed to make it out the door, on time, with no tears, no yelling, no “Mom, where’s my _____?”  None!  For those of you who celebrate this accomplishment every day, I’m just a tad bit jealous (maybe a lot jealous).  Before today, no matter how hard I tried, no matter if we set out our clothes the night before, no matter if all 3 kids showered before bed, no matter if papers were signed and snacks prepared in advance…no amount of preparing made mornings any smoother, until today.  Sadly, I don’t know what the difference was.  We put out our clothes (except for me), 2/3 kids showered, located shoes, backpacks and hairbrushes, and bagged the goldfish crackers for snack.  And today, for no apparent reason, it was smooth sailing.  I’m keeping my fingers crossed for tomorrow, but not holding my breath.

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